Monday, November 16, 2009


The human race, especially that of the people of Niaja is in a quagmire regarding laedership and the decisio-making, action-taking and value-returning mechanism of governance. The leadership question has been with us for a very long time in Nigeria and there is no gainsaying that leadership is an important factor in the running of human societies and we have continually being bogged down by the absence of adequate leadership everywhere you find humanbeings.
For the simple reason that most people have experienced oppression, hardship and repression from leaders, they tend to bring forth a submission in the form of hostility when the issue of leadership is tabled. There is the presumably wrong assumption among people of different races that leaders are always corrupt, self-seeking ineptitudes taking advantage of the gullibility of the larger society. Thus the adoption of the belief that leadership is unnecessary.
It is also far from the truth the notion that only certain people can be leaders. We all can;beginning from those of us that are eternally critical. Everyone is a potential leader and it is an essential characteristic of any human intelligence. An important function of leadership be it political economic or social engagement is the organization of other intelligencies for the mutual creation of solutions to problems through collective action.
In the political setup of a country such as Nigeria, a leader would be anyone who has been given a legitimate authority to conduct the business of the state by providing guidance, organization and inspiration for the citizens of the nation.
A person therefore, who campaigns to be a leader of a nation or local Government council, State or provincial area must be that person who is an altruist, with plenty of public dispensation.
He or she must be someone whose point of view takes in the totality of the overall interest of the larger society. He/she must also be able to take in the current situation of the society, its past history, cultural and otherwise and picturize the future in concrete form. A good leader therefore, should be able to visualize and formulate tangible, achievable mission and vision statements as an end-goal.
In reality,means of achieving equally mobile end-goals seem infinite. it includes initiation and creation of positive policies, provision of legal frame for logical information and confronting static states.
A leader realizes in the process that eliciting the thinking of other members of the governing process, especially the governed and listening well for a wide variety of suggestions makes you a skilful leader. And people would be more eager to cooperate with someone who leads correctly. Human beings give more appreciation to a leader who asks for help instead of bamboozling his way into issues. They give positive response to one who explain i clear terms what needs to be done, who praises your efforts and encourages a person to be productive.
A leader is that person who takes a challenge in its stride, endures, communicates well, inspires, lead, organize, a positive role model, of desirable character, good integrity, accepts mistakes and corrects them, committed to stated goals and objectives, decisive in acting, mobile and not stereotype in issues and generally responsible. ARE YOU A LEADER?
Join us in OURFADALAND to build a more responsible and responsive nation.

Thank you very much for reading this blogpost. Please feel free to leave a comment. Afterall, we are in it together, having vested interest in seeing great things happen in OURFADALAND.

"Abacha never ruled Nigeria, he terrorized the people"
-Wole Soyinka

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