Monday, December 28, 2009


The name Nigeria has made it back to the frontline of world events just as the year 2009 is about coming to an end.
Abdoul Farouk AbdulMutallab, the wannabe terrorist who ignited himself with explosives as he was unable to set ablaze an airliner made the Nigerian name on top again last week. What does this portend? Nigeria needs much more effort at image cleansing. Is the Minister listening? Anyway, an idiotic act by a naughty, overfed millionaire's son should not rubbish the good name we've been trying to build for posterity.

Monday, November 16, 2009








It's a shame that a load of people are calling for the disintegration of Nigeria along ethnic nationality line. It's regretable. Not because the entity has given hope or succour to the rank and file of the citizenry. No!! The fact is that we have securely past that line of reasoning.

Ok! It has suddenly been given more impetus because (Rtd) General Alani Akinrinade has just make public "this is not the Nigeria I fought to make one". The gentle General has not called for a new war in Nigeria to disintegrate it because he now feels disillusioned; all he wants is for a more cohesive Nigeria where true federal form of administraion within the context of proper democracy is practised. A situation where Democracy will mean "Government of the people, for the people, by the people, with something in it for everyone to benefit"; a situation where no citizen feels weak and oppressed; where no state Governor have to caper to Abuja for handouts in issues that is totally within its govenmental jurisdiction; where equality before the law is the norm and where justice is seen to be done at all times. The General didn't look at himself as a Yoruba national, but a complete patriot.

It's very unbelievable that majority of us who complain about bad government are the last in willing to do our utmost to discard of such Government. I mean those of us who believe we have read all the books in this world and nobody is like us. For example during voting day we believe so much in our 'importance' that we should be seen on the line queeing to vote. What for? Tufiakwa!! That's for the down trodden who don't know what they are doing or who are just not busy enough. We sit down on our armchair and revel in our self grandiose. Then the vote result comes...we jump up and 'halla'; calling everyone else by unprintable names that votes had been stolen. Then oftentimes some of us would turn things rough; throwing stones in glass houses.

I love with all my heart the so-called "down trodden, illiterates, uneducated within our self-styled midst". They never let you down. If they are for you they would be there, especially on voting day for your sake. The only thing now is to encourage them in a correct leadership manner to VOTE FOR NIGERIA.

If things would really become better in Nigeria now rather than later we should all get up and walk our talks to the voting stations when the appropriate time comes. Right now, it would be appropriate to get things started by looking at different ways of making things work well in OURFADALAND and making means to forge a better union in Nigeria rather than advocating means to its demise. The new culture should then be "business not as usual".

Thank you very much for reading this blogpost. Please feel free to leave a comment. Afterall, we are all in it together, having vested interest in seeing great things happen in OURFADALAND.

"When people deserve reward, this should be duly noted even if you personally detest them. When people deserve punishment, this should not be forgone even if they are close to you."

-The Art of War


The human race, especially that of the people of Niaja is in a quagmire regarding laedership and the decisio-making, action-taking and value-returning mechanism of governance. The leadership question has been with us for a very long time in Nigeria and there is no gainsaying that leadership is an important factor in the running of human societies and we have continually being bogged down by the absence of adequate leadership everywhere you find humanbeings.
For the simple reason that most people have experienced oppression, hardship and repression from leaders, they tend to bring forth a submission in the form of hostility when the issue of leadership is tabled. There is the presumably wrong assumption among people of different races that leaders are always corrupt, self-seeking ineptitudes taking advantage of the gullibility of the larger society. Thus the adoption of the belief that leadership is unnecessary.
It is also far from the truth the notion that only certain people can be leaders. We all can;beginning from those of us that are eternally critical. Everyone is a potential leader and it is an essential characteristic of any human intelligence. An important function of leadership be it political economic or social engagement is the organization of other intelligencies for the mutual creation of solutions to problems through collective action.
In the political setup of a country such as Nigeria, a leader would be anyone who has been given a legitimate authority to conduct the business of the state by providing guidance, organization and inspiration for the citizens of the nation.
A person therefore, who campaigns to be a leader of a nation or local Government council, State or provincial area must be that person who is an altruist, with plenty of public dispensation.
He or she must be someone whose point of view takes in the totality of the overall interest of the larger society. He/she must also be able to take in the current situation of the society, its past history, cultural and otherwise and picturize the future in concrete form. A good leader therefore, should be able to visualize and formulate tangible, achievable mission and vision statements as an end-goal.
In reality,means of achieving equally mobile end-goals seem infinite. it includes initiation and creation of positive policies, provision of legal frame for logical information and confronting static states.
A leader realizes in the process that eliciting the thinking of other members of the governing process, especially the governed and listening well for a wide variety of suggestions makes you a skilful leader. And people would be more eager to cooperate with someone who leads correctly. Human beings give more appreciation to a leader who asks for help instead of bamboozling his way into issues. They give positive response to one who explain i clear terms what needs to be done, who praises your efforts and encourages a person to be productive.
A leader is that person who takes a challenge in its stride, endures, communicates well, inspires, lead, organize, a positive role model, of desirable character, good integrity, accepts mistakes and corrects them, committed to stated goals and objectives, decisive in acting, mobile and not stereotype in issues and generally responsible. ARE YOU A LEADER?
Join us in OURFADALAND to build a more responsible and responsive nation.

Thank you very much for reading this blogpost. Please feel free to leave a comment. Afterall, we are in it together, having vested interest in seeing great things happen in OURFADALAND.

"Abacha never ruled Nigeria, he terrorized the people"
-Wole Soyinka

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When the white man makes a fart in your mouth, he simultaneously puts some salt in it. Typically, you can’t spit out the salt because of the foul smell and also the salt is very sweet. Yeh!!The white man has been creating good and bad and sometimes evil things that have impacted gravely on the sustainability of the earth and its inhabitants.All the things that make the world what it is today were made by and continuously produced by them. Many people however believe that if the white man had left the world alone since the time of civilization we would all have found our own way of solving what world evolution faces us with. NO!!The white man is an inquisitive or sometimes a nosy pecker by nature. That is why they did not sit their bums down in Europe and say that things will take shape as God Almighty had probably planned them. They help the Almighty with execution.They went deep into discoveries of many things that would be useful to us and explained it off as "necessity is the mother of invention".All the Michael Faradays, David Livingstones, Louis Pasteurs, Graham Bells, Benjamin Franklins and so on. The name list has become too numerous with time. So also are the inventions. In their vintage form, they decided on their own volition to see what the earth and lately other planets look like. They made us know that the earth is round and made their footstep on the sand of the moon 40 years ago.Amerigo Vespucchi headed to what is now called the Americas, even before Christopher Columbus made the voyage and discovery popular.The white men are terrific; they come to your village, ask you for directions or ask you to take them around the place and before you realize what is happening they turn round to say they discovered the place and give it a name; their own name.Would you believe that the Bushmen of Southern Africa are the first to put on G-Strings underwear that the white man has now brought to commercial success? The poor Bushmen could not popularize them. The situation is the same all around the world.The Kwakultt Indians amongst the large tribal group of people who were original owners of present day United States of America were subdued and their land taken away from them by white men. Same with Australia, the Aborigines were forcefully removed from their land because there was no "Mandela" to fight for them over there.In South Africa every other place has been laced with the Dutch "burg" or "berg". In Nigeria, they said Mungo Park discovered River Niger-our own very river, with its source in Fouta Djalon in Guinea. Mungo Park was taken on a trip by a couple of villagers when he was lost on the very River. Wonderful!! The white man later looked around and in the absence of a veritable name to give to this new land bordering both sides of the Niger River, called it the Niger-area and later became Nigeria. The same applies everywhere. They come from all fronts-name it; economic, religious, trade, cajoling, force.Once they gain a foothold on the land they employ their most lethal weapon-"divide and rule". They turn the people against themselves and perpetually rule over them. The Southern Nigerians up till today still curse the day that the then colonial Governor-General of the Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria, Mr. Injustice Lord Lugard amalgamated the North and South of Nigeria.Even though I wake up every morning and thank God for creating the white man for us, I still bother a lot not knowing which is greater, the negative or the positive contributions of the white man to the world.Okay! Take the case of slave trade, the most singular horrific mental and physical harm inflicted as white man’s inhumanity to man and woman for that matter. Because the white man still holds the world, especially Africa captive by plundering our natural wealth and carting it away to their own land, the Africans are still tied to their apron strings economically.Unbelievably, a multitude of African people whose forebears were forced into slavery and cheap, degrading labor, now sell their belongings just to be able to get into Europe and America. And once they arrive with their portmanteau on their head, they announce the arrival of another "slave" willing to do any degrading job the white man would never do.Look at apartheid (Apart hood), a crazy baldhead’s means of locking our people behind bars in our own fadaland just to steal our gold and diamond. Thank God a Mandela was around to rescue us from the Lion’s den.Their latest tact of ruling over the world is Democracy-˜Dem-all-crazy”, “Demonstration of Craze”. In theory maybe practice, it is the best form of Government. But it’s also used as an avenue for perpetuating their hold on us, as the Government people especially in Africa have gone crazy believing it is the ˜Government of the Governors, on behalf of the people, against the people, for the benefit of a few”. Crazy isn’t? Crazy-dem-all!!Culturally, they colonized our conscience into believing anything made or formed by us is inferior. They sold their own set of names to overwhelm the whole world. In the process my father of blessed memory became John Joseph and my darling mother, Comfort Stevens. WOW!!In Nigeria, it’s particularly hip to have an English surname, the Pearses, Johnsons, Bank-Anthonys, Braithwaites, Lawsons, Phillips, Josephs and so on. It shows that you’re from yonder or a ˜Tokunbo”.On the religious front, they sold us the names of their ancestors and their sainthood. And we bought into it. Why wont we? Which of own ancestors or deities can we market to the world? None? I dare say yes. Who will dare call the name Saint Orunmila or Saint Ogun? God forbid. Tufiakwa!So, they paint ˜bene spiritus”, good angels such as ˜Archangel Michael” white and paint ˜mal spiritus”, bad angels such as ˜Lucifer” black and your subconscious buys into that belief. Would it be possible in modern times to paint a good angel black and a bad angel white? Well, wonders shall never end. I am waiting.Alright, say all you can about the cruelty of the white man but you can never dispute the fact that they have made almost everything that we have on earth today possible- electricity, transportation, education, astronomy, geology, communication, telecommunication, and so on; even my ability to write this missive that you read at this time. How would foreign tongued people be able to understand my ˜ngbati, ngbati” language?Some argue that we own all the natural resources of the world: crude oil, gold, manganese, diamond, and so on. Fine, I totally agree. It is the truth. But the question is what would we do with them if the whites have no use for them-would we even know they existed beneath the earth?Remember the Oil glut of the 1980s, when we were told to drink our crude oil. We couldn’t. We are headed that way again.Oftentimes, I get carried away with the idea that really when the heavenliness said ˜let’s now create man in our own image”, they were actually talking about the white man. Don’t quote me.Be it as it may, I stand firm in my conviction that if you chase the white man from your land, you lose the whitetitude! We need these beings. Serioussssssss.

Thank you very much for reading this blogpost. Please feel free to leave a comment. After all, we are in it together, having same vested interest in seeing great things happen in ourfadaland.